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August 3, 2007

マリンスカヤとサニキ / Marinskoe and Sanniky

極東ロシアの北緯52度付近。アムール川沿いにグレートキジ湖(Lake Great Kizi)という湖があります。このキジ湖の近くにあるマリンスカヤ(Marinscoe)という町に所要で行って来ました。国道から外れた場所にあるこの街は、ご多分に漏れず林業で成り立つ街です。

At latitude 52 North in the far East Russia, the Lake of Great Kizi being there. I visited a small town Marinskoe adjacent to the lake to do something. The town, where is located so far from a Federal road, is set up with forestry as other villages around here are.

The picture below was taken at Sanniky located on the way to the lake. No people was there, a desolate village…

This is Marinscoe, no one in there as well. How the people gets bread and butter…

The Lake great Kizi and its lakeside view. Fantastic!


I visited Marinscoe to inspect plant and equipment owned a local company, the picture was taken at the company. Perhaps the truck has been using from the Soviet Union era. The truck brand is URAL, and is active in business. I guess the truck is the latest one in the town.

Expedia Japan【海外旅行のエクスペディア】

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