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August 12, 2007

万年筆 / My Fountain Pens



I've been using fountain pens around 4 years, before using the fountain pens, I like to use roller-ball pens rather ball-point pens, because of its smooth ink-flow. 4 years ago, I bought a personal organizer made by SOMES who is a Japanese harness manufacturer, at that time, I bought my first fountain pen. At the very beginning time using the fountain pen, I felt this was an old stuff, and was afraid ink leakage, however such thing has never happened, rather I was impressed the pen's very smooth pen point. Now the first pen got 4 year old with me, and the pen becomes ideal. Need to use the fountain pens almost every day, otherwise its ink-flow will become bad, also need to wash pen nib sometime. If I provide proper maintenance in the pens, the pens provide excellent writing to me.

上の写真はウォーターマンの"ルマン プレシャスメタル100"です。最初に購入した万年筆です。ペン先のサイズは当初Mを使用していましたが、バイブルサイズのシステム手帳を小さい字で埋めるには少し太すぎるのと、英語や漢字を書くのには適していない事から細字のFに変えてあります。持った際のバランスが非常に良く、書いていて疲れません。ボディーの太さもちょうど良いですね。

This is the first fountain pen, Waterman made "Le Mans precious metal 100". I used M sized pen nib in the beginning, but M size is rather big for a bible-sized personal organizer, as well as was not comfortable to write Kanji and English, now I changed F sized pen nib. A bit heavy weight, but body weight balance is excellent.

同じくウォーターマンの"セレニテ 刀(カタナ)"です。"セレニテ"のボディーはゆるやかなカーブを画いているので、一見使いにくく見えますが実際は手に良くフィットし使い心地は抜群です。キャップの閉める位置は決まっており、ボディエンドに付ける際も同様です。どちらもペン全体がカーブを描くようになっています。重さは少し軽い感じですが、バランスが良いので気にはなりません。

Also Waterman made "Cerenite Katana". The Cerenite has a unique curvature body like Katana, at first sight, the pen is not suitable to write, but the curvature body fits well to a hand. A cap is also designed curvature, this is why the cap should set exact places at the body front / end. Because a plastic material is to be used for the Serenite, the pen weight is lighter than metal body ones.


A foreign friend, who didn't know the name Katana, saw the Serenite and said "This pen is likely Japanese Katana", the design concept is properly transmitted to. I'm using red ink with the Serenite.

ウォーターマンの"エクセプション プレシャスメタル スターリングシルバー"です。シンガポールに行った際に、免税で購入しました。ペン先が使用した当初から書き癖に非常に合っており、且つとても柔らかく使いやすいペンです。このペンのインクフローが最高で私の書き方にぴったりとハマっています。重さは少し重めで、キャップをボディエンドに挿した際には少しバランスが悪いようです。しかし、全体に重さがある為に、しっかりと書けます。ペンを持つ部分は角が落ちた四角形になっています。普通、人は丸いペンに慣れているものですから、最初はなんだか書きにくい感じでしたが今ではしっくりきています。

Waterman "Exception Precious Metal Sterling Silver" bought at a duty free in Singapore. A pen nib is very much comfortable, and the best ink-flow to me. The Exception has a slightly heavy body, and body balance would not be good, particularly a cap put at the body end, however, because of the heavy weight, it can be write steadily. The body shape is square, I was muddled up at the beginning because ordinary pens have circle bodies, but it becomes suitable to me now.

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Concorde said...
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