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August 28, 2007

ロシア流BBQ デカストリ / Russian BBQ Party at De-Kastri


I had a party the last weekend with my Russian staffs at De-Kastri, far East Russia because the project is almost completing. Probably the party is last one with my guys.

These are guts of a gout, frying with much onion and salt.

The guys are there.

皆に『この写真を俺のブログに投稿して良いか?』と聞いたら『ニエット プロブレム!(問題なし!)』との事。明るく楽しい連中です。

I asked them if I can post the pictures to my blog, then they said "Niet Problem." Good guys they are…

August 13, 2007

超弩級スピーカー #2 / Extraordinary Speakers #2

Magico Model 6
12,800,000円(ペア・税込み) (119,000 USD - pair)


The above is Magico Model 6 which body material is aluminum. I saw a interview with a Magico executive and chief designer on a magazine in which “we got aluminum a few years ago, however recent aluminum price is extremely increased, this is why, the price of the Model 6 is very special.”

And finally I’d like to introduce this speaker system.

31,500,000円 (ペア・税込み) (292,620 USD - pair)


Unbelievably expensive, I supposed the price was wrong but no no. To be honest, I have no idea how can make such awful price… Will people, who are crazy for high-end stereo, think cheap price if a speaker is priced JPY 1,000,000 (USD 9,300)? Perhaps right… Anyhow, the FULL EPILOGUE has weight over 300 kg / piece, means a floor in a normal house cannot stand, the floow then requires to reinforce, or need to buy/build a dedicated room for the FULL EPILOGUE.

August 12, 2007

万年筆 / My Fountain Pens



I've been using fountain pens around 4 years, before using the fountain pens, I like to use roller-ball pens rather ball-point pens, because of its smooth ink-flow. 4 years ago, I bought a personal organizer made by SOMES who is a Japanese harness manufacturer, at that time, I bought my first fountain pen. At the very beginning time using the fountain pen, I felt this was an old stuff, and was afraid ink leakage, however such thing has never happened, rather I was impressed the pen's very smooth pen point. Now the first pen got 4 year old with me, and the pen becomes ideal. Need to use the fountain pens almost every day, otherwise its ink-flow will become bad, also need to wash pen nib sometime. If I provide proper maintenance in the pens, the pens provide excellent writing to me.

上の写真はウォーターマンの"ルマン プレシャスメタル100"です。最初に購入した万年筆です。ペン先のサイズは当初Mを使用していましたが、バイブルサイズのシステム手帳を小さい字で埋めるには少し太すぎるのと、英語や漢字を書くのには適していない事から細字のFに変えてあります。持った際のバランスが非常に良く、書いていて疲れません。ボディーの太さもちょうど良いですね。

This is the first fountain pen, Waterman made "Le Mans precious metal 100". I used M sized pen nib in the beginning, but M size is rather big for a bible-sized personal organizer, as well as was not comfortable to write Kanji and English, now I changed F sized pen nib. A bit heavy weight, but body weight balance is excellent.

同じくウォーターマンの"セレニテ 刀(カタナ)"です。"セレニテ"のボディーはゆるやかなカーブを画いているので、一見使いにくく見えますが実際は手に良くフィットし使い心地は抜群です。キャップの閉める位置は決まっており、ボディエンドに付ける際も同様です。どちらもペン全体がカーブを描くようになっています。重さは少し軽い感じですが、バランスが良いので気にはなりません。

Also Waterman made "Cerenite Katana". The Cerenite has a unique curvature body like Katana, at first sight, the pen is not suitable to write, but the curvature body fits well to a hand. A cap is also designed curvature, this is why the cap should set exact places at the body front / end. Because a plastic material is to be used for the Serenite, the pen weight is lighter than metal body ones.


A foreign friend, who didn't know the name Katana, saw the Serenite and said "This pen is likely Japanese Katana", the design concept is properly transmitted to. I'm using red ink with the Serenite.

ウォーターマンの"エクセプション プレシャスメタル スターリングシルバー"です。シンガポールに行った際に、免税で購入しました。ペン先が使用した当初から書き癖に非常に合っており、且つとても柔らかく使いやすいペンです。このペンのインクフローが最高で私の書き方にぴったりとハマっています。重さは少し重めで、キャップをボディエンドに挿した際には少しバランスが悪いようです。しかし、全体に重さがある為に、しっかりと書けます。ペンを持つ部分は角が落ちた四角形になっています。普通、人は丸いペンに慣れているものですから、最初はなんだか書きにくい感じでしたが今ではしっくりきています。

Waterman "Exception Precious Metal Sterling Silver" bought at a duty free in Singapore. A pen nib is very much comfortable, and the best ink-flow to me. The Exception has a slightly heavy body, and body balance would not be good, particularly a cap put at the body end, however, because of the heavy weight, it can be write steadily. The body shape is square, I was muddled up at the beginning because ordinary pens have circle bodies, but it becomes suitable to me now.

August 11, 2007

超弩級スピーカー #1 / Extraordinary Speakers #1

JBL Everest DD66000 ROSEWOOD
価格 6,300,000円(ペア・税込み) (53,300 USD - pair)

日本で最も有名なスピーカーブランドの一つであるJBLのフラッグシップスピーカーのエベレスト DD66000です。その昔、雑誌で当時のJBLのフラッグシップ機であるパラゴンを見た時は、あまりに奇怪なデザインに『なんじゃこりゃ?』と思ったものです。幾ら音が良いって言ったって『いつかはパラゴンを...』とは思いませんでしたが、このエベレスト DD66000はデザインも良く、購入欲をそそるモノに仕上がってますね。雑誌やネットの記事でも絶賛のスピーカーです。JBL自身が『これ以上のスピーカーは何年も出来ないかもしれない』というほどです。ちなみに、色は4色で展開しており、私のお気に入りは下のMAPLEです。値段は少し上がり、ペアで6,930,000円です。

JBL is one of the most famous speaker brand in Japan, this is the flagship speaker Everest DD 66000 (Resewood). When I saw the previous flagship speaker "Paragon", just I thought "What on earth is this…" because of its eccentric design. I didn't feel to acquire the Paragon, but the DD66000 has a good looking. How the DD66000 is being praised by audiophile magazines and or critics in Japan, a JBL Japan branch spokesman said to an interviewer that "It may not be created any better speakers than DD66000 for some time." JBL provides the DD66000 with 4 type colours. I like Maple colour below, price is a bit increased: 58,600 USD.

なお、音をどう感じるかは人それぞれですし、聞いた事もありませんので言及しませんが、少なくとも価格ではエベレスト DD66000を凌駕する超弩級のスピーカーもハイエンドオーディオの世界には当然存在します。下のはジャーマンフィジクス社のDDDスピーカーシステム PQS402です。デロリアンのタイムトラベル用エネルギー発生装置のようなモノが真ん中にありますが、これが360度無指向のスピーカー『DDD』と呼ばれているようです。価格はペアで11,550,000円です。しかし、上には上があるのが世の中の常で...。

I haven't had a trial listening with the DD66000, so I cannot describe about its sounds, but there are more expensive or bigger speakers are being in the world. The speakers below are the DDD speaker system, PQS402 from German Physics, its price is 98,000 USD in Japan.

August 10, 2007

ユニバーサルプレーヤー / Universal Disk Player

ESOTERIC Universal Trasnport
P-03 Universal 価格 1,680,000円(税込み)

CDとの決別と言いつつもDVDプレーヤーは必要です。それにたまにはCDも聴くだろうし。ほとんどのDVDプレーヤーはCDも再生できる上に、モノによってはSuper Audio CDも再生可能。そこでユニバーサルディスクプレーヤーを探してみました。上はTEAC ESOTERICのP-03(受注生産)です。トランスポートですのでアナログ音声出力を得るには別途D/Aコンバーターが必要です。同社からはP-03と組み合わせて使うD-03というDACが1,260,000円で発売されております。

I wish to listen music with a HDD, but need a DVD player, sometime I may listen with CD. Suppose a universal disk player will fit to my style. Esoteric made P-03, 14,200USD priced, is the said company's hi-end universal disk player. This is just a disk transport, this is why D/A converter is additionally required if it needs to get analog audio signals. For the purpose, Esoteric provides a hi-end D/A converter D-03, 10,600 USD.



確かにターンテーブルが50kgとかいうレコードプレーヤーや、1台で100kg超えのスピーカーなどは超弩級という言葉が相応しいでしょうね。この他にも『究極の』、『世界最高峰の』、『無限の』、『驚異的な』、『最大限に発揮』等、これは誇大広告じゃないのか?というような文言が並びます。これらの言葉がオーディオファイル(Audiophile: オーディオファンの意)の琴線に触れるんでしょうか。ところで、下のユニバーサルディスクプレーヤーの価格は恐らく世界最高峰でしょう。

Some particular words are used in the hi-end audio world, i.e. ultimate xxx, the highest xxx, extraordinary xxx, miraculous xxx… The following multi format player may be the ultimate player on earth…

価格 8,925,000円(税込み) (75,500 USD in Japan)

August 9, 2007

エソテリック スピーカー・ケーブル / TEAC ESOTERIC Speaker Cable

7N-S20000 MEXCEL 価格 588,000円(2.0m x 2本・税込み)

ティアックのハイエンドオーディオブランド エソテリック(Esoteric)から販売されている高級スピーカーケーブル7N-S20000です。素材は高純度銅です。なんでもその被覆にテクノロジーが隠されているようです。2mのケーブルが2本で588,000円と言う事は1,470円/cmですよこれ。自分の爪ほどの長さのケーブルが1,500円もするなんて。。。

しかし、上には上があるものです。ニュージーランドのケーブル専門メーカー、シルテック社 (Siltech) のSiganture series "The Emperor"がそれです。スピーカーケーブル2.0m x 2本がなんと2,982,000円。いくらハイエンドと言ったって程度ってもんがあるだろ。なんでも純結晶化シルバー=ゴールド導体芯線というのが売りらしく、純銀ケーブルの中の純銀結晶格子間を純金で埋めてるそうです。何との事だか分かりませんが、純金で埋まってないケーブルに比べて何かが違うんだろう。そうでなきゃこんな値段付けれる訳が無い。世の中にはこれより高いケーブルもあるんだろうな。

TEAC, who is a Japanese famous hi-fi components brand, has also another brand for Audiophiles, TEAC Esoteric Company. The above hi-end speaker cable 7N-S20000 is made by Esoteric, the cable material is high-purity copper wire, and there is some advanced technology in its cladding clad. The price is 5,000 USD as 2.0m x 2 pcs.

However, there is no limit in the hi-end audio world, Siltech corporation, for audio cable special company in New Zealand, releases the Signature series "The Emperor" is a certain one. 2.0m x 2 pcs of speaker cables are priced 25,200 USD in Japan. No possible to understand to me why such price can be tagged… The ultimate technology of the cable is “Purity crystallized silver and gold conductor wire”, gaps between each pure silver crystal grating in the cable filled up by pure gold…. Anyhow, it must be better than other cables otherwise it is impossible to tag at such price, and I"m sure that a more expensive cable is being on earth…

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August 8, 2007

テロス2500 / Telos2500

GOLUDMUND Mono Power Amplifier Telos2500


This is a monaural power amplifier Telos 2500 from Goldmund. It tags the Telos 2500 at 109,000 USD in Japan. A claimed maximum power is 2500W/8ohm… unbelievable power and the price as well. This power amplifier is integrated with D/A converter, this is why, it can be possible to connect by a digital cable from an amplifier which has digital an output port. If you feel this is too expensive, Goldmund provides a middle-class model Telos 600, maximum power is 600W/8ohm. The price is 47,000 USD… cheaper than Telos 2500 anyway. As Glodmund official page shows, Telos 5000 is now coming, the price is… God knows.

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August 7, 2007

ハイエンド・オーディオの世界 / High-end Audio World




CDで音楽を購入するのは当然、人によってはiTunes Music Storeなどからダウンロードという人もいるかもしれない。私の場合は、これからCDをHDDにAIFF(Windowsの場合はWave)でコピーして、それをアンプにデジタル伝送して聞く事にしたい。CDプレーヤーの節約になるし、CDを一枚ずつかけ替えなくてもよい。CDを扱わなくても良いという事は、貴重なCDに傷を付ける可能性も低くなる。なにより膨大なライブラリーが整理されパソコンに表示されて聞いた回数やレーティングなども自在。



出来ればDVDとも決別したいのですが今のところDVDもしくはHD DVDの画像と音声をそのままデジタルコピーできる術は無いようなので、こればっかりはユニバーサルプレーヤーを購入するしかありません。

Music appreciation is one of my hobby, I like whatever kind of music since olden days, and I have now over thousand CD’s. I had listened music with cheap hi-fi components, however because of the birth of iPod, bought Apple PowerBook G4, and I had been recently on overseas business trips continuously, I put all music in a portable HDD, and have listened the music by iPod and iTunes. Now the long overseas business trip is becoming the end, and I wish to get high-grade stereo components to listen my music library easily. I just checked current circumstances of hi-grade and hi-end hi-fi stereo components market. The descriptions below are what I'm thinking about and want to have stereo components: I'm not an audiophile either an audio-mania, this is why there are some mistakes in the description perhaps, but I'm learning about the hi-grade stereo at the present moment, and will correct my self.

Digital Transmission
Because of my thought that the audio signals will not have a decline on digital transmission system rather than analog one. In Japan, they said "Analog components provides warm and soft sounds, digital hi-fi provides cool and hard sounds generally." I have had music appreciation with digital components only, I mean I haven't ever listened music with an analog disk, but only with CD. So I don't have experience on, either don't have intention to enjoy Analog disks. It's no advantage of analog transmission in my case, the ideal is digital transmission from digital music sources until just before speakers, then convert to analog signals via a D/A converter.

Using One System for 2ch Stereo and Multi Channel Surround Sounds
It's not reasonable and just increasing the cost and a number of components that an AV control centre amplifier for multi channel surround sounds, and a stereo amplifier for pure 2ch stereo. One multi channel digital amplifier should work well for both multi channel sounds and 2ch sounds.

Parting Company with CD
How to buy the music… at a record shop to buy a CD, or download music files from the Internet. My case is to get CD's at a disc shop and listen the music by a computer (HDD) but not use a disc player recently Read CD and copy the digital files as AIFF or WAV to HDD's, and the files transferred to a digital amplifier, like I'm doing it with iTunes and iPod. No need CD player either no need to handle disks, means to reduce to make a scratch on the disks. And it's easy to manage, sort, and find a piece of music from a huge music library.

At a professional scene, all recent music is recorded with digital recording technique, and the recorded files are handles with a HDD, as well as are transferred via the internet and press out disks. This is why it's not a special case to listen music with a HDD, rather it’s perfectly natural.

If music is delivered as AIFF files, WAVE files, or other high rate type lossless files in the future, no one may not buy music disks. I couldn't find hi-fi- quality HDD storage in a consumer market at the present moment. I should use my Mac with iTunes as a HDD music storage until the hi-fi quality HDD music storage appears.

If possible, I want to storage DVD as well, however, to the best of my knowledge, so far no possible to copy the DVD / HD DVD quality movie to a HDD.

GOLDMUND Universal Preamplifier MIMESIS 24 ME


This is a full-digital preamplifier MIMESIS 24ME from Goldmund, normal AV control centres or integrated amplifiers have less than 10ch output, however this has 32ch full-digital output only. The digital sound processor can be update for future advanced technology, it is good expandability and is to be used for a long time. The price is 51,500 USD in Japan. Perhaps it is cheaper in other country, in the US or Europe, than Japan.

August 3, 2007

マリンスカヤとサニキ / Marinskoe and Sanniky

極東ロシアの北緯52度付近。アムール川沿いにグレートキジ湖(Lake Great Kizi)という湖があります。このキジ湖の近くにあるマリンスカヤ(Marinscoe)という町に所要で行って来ました。国道から外れた場所にあるこの街は、ご多分に漏れず林業で成り立つ街です。

At latitude 52 North in the far East Russia, the Lake of Great Kizi being there. I visited a small town Marinskoe adjacent to the lake to do something. The town, where is located so far from a Federal road, is set up with forestry as other villages around here are.

The picture below was taken at Sanniky located on the way to the lake. No people was there, a desolate village…

This is Marinscoe, no one in there as well. How the people gets bread and butter…

The Lake great Kizi and its lakeside view. Fantastic!


I visited Marinscoe to inspect plant and equipment owned a local company, the picture was taken at the company. Perhaps the truck has been using from the Soviet Union era. The truck brand is URAL, and is active in business. I guess the truck is the latest one in the town.

Expedia Japan【海外旅行のエクスペディア】

August 1, 2007

極東ロシア デカストリ / De-Kastri - Far East Russia



Here is De-Kastri at the far East Russia, which has the northernmost ice-free port on the far East Russia mainland. This area, the far East Russia, prospers timber export using De-Kastri port, as well as Vanino port, located Southwards from De-Kastri, or Amur river. The port is called ice-free port but actually, the port and bay will be frozen completely, but in the offing won't be. The local people runs on the frozen sea by vehicles, and enjoys fishing on ice during winter seasons.


This is Somon Hotel, the only one in De-Kastri. Services are absolutely 6 stars.

Expedia Japan【海外旅行のエクスペディア】